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What's New in Version 5.2

This update exclusively focuses on Microsoft Excel’s conditional formatting feature. It’s a challenging implementation on web applications and we dedicated this entire development cycle to all its quirks. For those of you who are not too familiar with conditional...

Turning Excel Hell into Excel Heaven

Many Excel projects start with a small assignment to solve a simple problem. The individual tasked to solve the problem puts together an Excel workbook. As its usage expands, it is distributed to more and more individuals in the company. As more individuals utilize...

Converted versus Custom UI Applications in SpreadsheetWEB

Creating a web application from an Excel workbook using SpreadsheetWeb can be done mainly in two ways – conversion or custom UI development. Both methods retrieve the calculations and workbook data from the underlying Excel model. In SpreadsheetWEB, a web application...

SpreadsheetWeb Gives Financial Modeling a New Platform

Excel is the go-to platform for many businesses when it comes to developing mathematical models. Its reliability, ease of use and flexibility make designing such tools far easier to create as a workbook than using specialized software.

What's New in Version 5.1

Following in 5.0’s footsteps, SpreadsheetWeb 5.1 comes with several enhancements to the user experience and other perks. Driven by the needs of our users, our goal has always been to evolve SpreadsheetWeb into an easy-to-use platform that everyday business users can...

8 Things to Consider when Building Online Calculators

Online calculators have become effective marketing tools, capable of generating consistent web traffic and prospective clientele for many businesses by engaging visitors with relevant, interactive content. They also improve customer retention by providing value-added...