Excitement is building around the world, including here at SpreadsheetWeb, for the upcoming UEFA Euro 2024 Championship. To engage with this event, we've created a game that enables users to guess the outcomes and scores of the UEFA 2024 European Football Championship matches. Participants will accrue points based on the accuracy of their predictions, which will be calculated and monitored within the application.

To participate in the game, users first enter their name and email address. They then enter the scores in each match and the number of goals they think each team will score. As matches are played, the app calculates and displays the points earned daily based on the accuracy of these predictions, allowing users to track their performance.




At SpreadsheetWeb, we are thrilled to be part of this global phenomenon, which is eagerly anticipated by football fans worldwide. This game not only enhances our entertainment offerings but also demonstrates how easily you can create engaging events with SpreadsheetWeb. We are happy to showcase how our platform builds exciting and interactive games like this!


What is SpreadsheetWeb and How to Use It

SpreadsheetWeb is a platform that transforms Excel spreadsheets into web applications without the need for programming. It allows you to leverage the full power of Excel formulas, functions, and data while providing a user-friendly web interface. With SpreadsheetWeb, you can create interactive, accessible, and scalable applications directly from your Excel files.

To get started, you need to upload your Excel file to the SpreadsheetWeb Hub, configure the settings, and design the user interface. The platform supports various features, including data validation, formatting, and integration with databases, making it a versatile tool for creating dynamic web applications. So, let’s build an Excel file first!


Preparing the Excel Source File

To start building the online application, we will first set up the prediction game in an Excel file. Once we have built our web application, users will enter their guesses into the input fields. As the tournament progresses, administrators will update the “Actual sheet” with the actual match results. The Calculations sheet automatically calculates points based on the accuracy of users' predictions. Users can then check their scores in the Scoreboard app, which we will create and link to the first app, so they can track their performance throughout the tournament. This setup ensures an engaging and interactive experience for all participants.


Guess Sheet

The Guess sheet is where users enter their predictions for each match. After entering their name and email address, users predict the number of goals scored by each team in each match. The sheet also calculates and displays the total points earned based on the accuracy of these predictions. Points are awarded for correctly predicting the match result and the number of goals scored by each team.


The Actual Sheet

The Actual sheet records the actual results of matches as they occur. It includes the match number, date, and the names of the two opposing teams. The actual number of goals scored by each team is recorded. This data is used to calculate users' prediction accuracy and award points.


Calculations Sheet

The Calculations page performs the calculations needed to determine the points awarded for each prediction. It contains an informational message reminding users that all games must be completed for full participation. It also indicates whether the user is allowed to submit their predictions, ensuring that all required inputs are provided before submission. This setup helps manage user participation and ensures that predictions are complete and valid. No user input is required.

Remember that named ranges are essential when building an app using SpreadsheetWeb since they work as data pipelines that match the values.

After we are done with preparing the Excel source file, we will upload this Excel file to the SpreadsheetWeb Hub and use it to create an online application. The web interface will allow users to seamlessly participate in the guessing game without being aware of the Excel file in the background. Let's continue with the steps to build the online application.

To get started, you need to upload your Excel file to the SpreadsheetWeb Hub, configure the settings, and design the user interface. The platform supports various features, including data validation, formatting, and integration with databases- which we will show you how to do it later in this article as well-, making it a versatile tool for creating dynamic web applications.


Build the UEFA Euro 2024 Guessing Game with Excel and SpreadsheetWeb

The Excel file for the UEFA Euro 2024 Guessing Game app has already been prepared and includes all the necessary sheets with the appropriate structure and formulas. Before proceeding, ensure the file is functioning correctly by verifying that it accurately calculates points based on the entered predictions and actual match results.

The application creation in SpreadsheetWeb is a smooth process. It is almost the same procedure to follow every time, and the app will be online and ready to use in a pretty short time. This procedure is basically to log in to your SpreadsheetWeb account, navigate to the "Applications" section, and click “Create New Application." Then, upload the Excel file you prepared and name your application.


Define the data connections for your application. In SpreadsheetWeb, the platform recognizes and matches all the data using the named ranges as pipelines- linking the data you need for every input and calculation, designing the UI with a drag-and-drop feature, and even styling the interface with ready-to-use stylesheets!

Configure the application to email a copy of the user's predictions upon submission.


Score Tracking App for UEFA Euro 2024 Results

Creating the Score Tracking Application Using SpreadsheetWeb

To create the score tracking application, prepare the Scoreboard Excel file. This file should include several key sheets: a Configuration sheet with the Table ID and Application URL, a Query sheet containing SQL queries to retrieve data from the first application's database, an Actual sheet to store actual match results, and a Datasheet to store retrieved data such as user predictions and scores.


Next, upload the prepared Excel file to the SpreadsheetWeb Hub. Log in to your SpreadsheetWeb account, navigate to the "Applications" section, and click "Create New Application" just like the first application. Upload the Excel file and name your application appropriately, such as "Score Tracker."

After uploading, configure the data connections. Use named ranges to define these connections and link the Query sheet to the appropriate database table in the first application. Ensure data synchronization to keep the score tracker up-to-date with the latest information.

Finally, design the user interface. Create a dashboard view that displays the top ten users, their scores, and rankings. Use SpreadsheetWeb's drag-and-drop interface to design a user-friendly layout. Ensure that the interface updates dynamically based on the latest data, providing users with real-time information and an engaging experience.


Embrace the Game, Follow the Score

Through the power of SpreadsheetWeb, you can transform a complex Excel-based guessing game into an interactive and user-friendly web application. Participants now have the ability to easily predict the results and scores of the 2024 European Football Championship matches, track their performance in real-time by checking the scoreboard, and engage with the tournament in a dynamic and competitive way.


The app empowers users to input their predictions and view their points, which are calculated automatically based on match outcomes. The Score Tracking app further amplifies the experience by delivering a leaderboard that updates daily, showcasing the top performers and sustaining excitement throughout the tournament. The concept of this application can be expanded to create similar apps that enable users to predict the scores of any sports tournament.

This project underscores how SpreadsheetWeb can simplify the creation of engaging web applications from Excel files, eliminating the need for extensive programming knowledge. Whether you're seeking to develop interactive games, data-driven applications, or other innovative tools, SpreadsheetWeb offers a versatile platform to bring your ideas to life.

Prepare to immerse yourself in the excitement of UEFA Euro 2024, make your predictions, and see if you have what it takes to be a champion!